Empower our children with positive affirmations
We know that by empowering children with positive affirmations is really important. By having your child saying affirmations daily helps the child to make it a habit in their way of thinking. It also help your child become confident and strong leader, that knows the importance of self love.
We would love to spread the love with creations of books, card games, YouTube program and more, that helps our children develop their positive thinking.
When you support us with $60 or more you will receive our book 'I am Happy and Strong'
When you support us with $25 or more you will receive our Colouring book 'I am a Colouring book'
In-Kind Support
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You can support by using the paypal button. After clicking the button, you will be given the option to pay by credit or debit card if you don’t have a paypal account. You can also donate directly by using this Paypal email account: unakristins@gmail.com